I decided that I don't want to make my blog a political forum of my beliefs anymore, mainly because I know that some of you reading this might have differing opinions and therefore might not be interested in visiting my blog anymore. I certainly hope that is not the case, because one of the freedoms we can enjoy as American's is expressing our opinions...but I digress.
However, I do want to post a
fair and balanced blurb of opinion.
Recently, I was reading a post made by an Obama supporter on an online community in which I belong. This person was saying that certain John McCain supporters were making hateful and racist comments in regards to Barack Obama at a political rally this past week. Entirely inappropriate if you ask me. These people were clearly inciting hatred towards our Democratic nominee and that was way out of line. The author was saying that these comments could be attributed to John McCain's smear tactics and the message he sends to his supporters. Should they?
Now, I don't believe John McCain should apologize for comments made by supporters, just as I don't believe Barack Obama should apologize for offensive comments made by his supporters. Take Madonna. The other night at a concert at Madison Square Garden she said that "Sarah
'f-ing' Palin" would not be allowed at her concert. A total abuse of power to use the show as a means of promoting her position and inciting hatred. I'm sure there were McCain AND Obama supporters at the show that paid good money to see Madonna sing - not talk politics. So should we blame Obama's campaign tactics? Should we expect Obama to made a Public Service Announcement apologizing for Madonna's behavior?
Absolutely not. No, in America we have personal responsibility and people themselves should be held accountable for what they say - not the candidates in which we respectively support.
The division between Republicans and Democrats at this time of the year can be very hostile. It's almost like we from two different countries fighting for our own deeply held beliefs. We are forgetting we are ALL Americans and we all want our country to prosper and do good in our world. There is no need for supporters of one party to hate on the other party and resort to name calling and pointing fingers. This goes for both Dems and Repubs. It's getting ugly and it's getting annoying!